News Projects Rebel EN

Migrant women will actively participate in the European ReBel project

ReBel, a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV), begins its work after the inaugural event held on September 9 in Helsinki. Coordinated by the Finnish Laurea University of Applied Sciences, the consortium is made up of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, for Spain and under the coordination of researchers Karen Hough and Jusaima Moaid-Azm Peregrina; the international organization What Design Can Do for the Netherlands and the training center Visiopintokeskusvisio, for Finland.

The cornerstone of this project are the migrant women who have been in European host countries for more than 5 years, women who will collaborate with professional designers to create models and solutions for different contexts in the countries where this European project is being developed: Spain, Finland and Holland.

The role of the Euro-Arab Foundation

The Euro-Arab Foundation will lead the preliminary research work package that will lay the foundations of the project and will comparatively analyze other European projects that have also focused on the sense of belonging of migrants. Subsequently, a survey will be elaborated -under European standards- that will collect the experience of migrant women and their feelings towards the reception received. Likewise, Euroarab will be in charge of the so-called “research dialogues” in Spain, which will bring together local participants, migrant women, NGOs and authorities in workshops where they will address different topics such as xenophobic attacks, resilience strategies or barriers to overcome. Co-creative collaboration workshops will also be organized to improve the services offered by both authorities and NGOs, and round tables on migration policies will be organized.

The expected impact of the work developed by ReBel will be seen in the empowerment of migrant women, the improvement of their sense of belonging and the promotion of positive narratives. It will also contribute to a broader understanding among society, inform more inclusive immigration policies and provide practical tools to promote solidarity in these contexts.

The models and solutions created by ReBel will be designed within different contexts in the project countries, with input from a wide range of stakeholders, allowing the generation of new concepts that can be used within different settings in the European Union, including municipalities, national authorities, local communities, NGOs and other actors developing the integration of migrants.

News Projects Rebel EN

ReBel, a new project that will foster solidarity and promote a sense of belonging among migrant women

This Tuesday took place the official online launch of the ReBel (Redesign Belonging) project, which aims to address the challenges of our society related to solidarity and a sense of belonging by providing a co-creation model that fosters belonging and empowers migrant women who have been in host countries for more than five years. They will be the cornerstone and will collaborate with professional designers to create models and solutions for different contexts in the project’s development countries: Spain, Finland and the Netherlands.

ReBel has a duration of 20 months and is co-financed with 411,455 euros from the European Commission in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) and will be coordinated by the Finnish university Laurea of Applied Sciences. Together with Laurea, the project consortium includes the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Education (Spain), the international organisation What Design Can Do (The Netherlands) and the VISIO training centre (Finland). The Euro-Arab Foundation will be responsible for carrying out the research and benchmarking part of local, national and international projects focusing on migrant belonging. The results will be used to develop a survey to elicit migrants’ experiences and feelings of belonging.

Spain to host a meeting of migrant women

Euro-Arab will be in charge of the activities in Spain, which will take place in parallel in the other countries involved, bringing together migrant women with local citizens, NGO representatives, local and regional authorities, in workshops where open dialogue between the groups will be promoted. Migrants will be able to present the obstacles they faced, and continue to face, in integrating into the host society, as well as their resilience strategies. NGOs will also have the opportunity to talk about their experiences with regard to employment, education, hate crimes or xenophobia.

These workshops will then be used to develop improvements that both authorities and NGOs can implement in their day-to-day work. In order to involve policy makers, Euro-Arab will organise a roundtable in Spain, which will also include members of the European Commission. The researchers will draft three policy briefs per country which will be made public and translated into the main languages of migrants to ensure their accessibility.

Upcoming events

On 5 July, WDCD will organise an event in Amsterdam where the project will be presented and in September the official presentation in hybrid format (face-to-face and online) will take place in Finland.