
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

The UNCHAINED project, in which the Euro-Arab Foundation participate, celebrates the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons joining the Blue Heart United Nations campaign coordinated by UNODC. This year’s theme highlights the importance of listening to and learning from survivors of human trafficking. The UNCHAINED project partners recognize the importance of involving victims and survivors in anti-trafficking action.

One of the particularities of this project, in which the Euro-Arab Foundation participate, is the focus on the key topic of financial flows into and out of these types of high profit activities, which allows to expose and prevent the range of actors and decision makers involved and their modus operandi. The follow-the-money approach is a necessary element to counteract THB and give survivors back their rights and needs.

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies also joins this commemoration giving voice to the survivors  of trafficking and raising awareness about this serious violation of human rights that deprives people of their freedom by exploitaiting them under the most varied forms such as, sexual or labour exploitation, being forced to marriage or to commit a crime or, organ transplants among others.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: On Invisibilities and Borders” by Patricia Bueso Izquierdo (in Spanish) for the blog of the Euro-Arab Foundation

Here an extract of the text translated into English:

“The demand for exploitation is increasing, sponsored by crimes committed on the Internet that favor the financial opacity of the profits obtained in crime, the COVID-19 pandemic contributing to the increase in the numbers and the invisibility of the people who are the object of about.

We would like to highlight in this regard that even today in 2021 new legislative measures are still necessary to jointly address trafficking in human beings, in order to be able to identify and detect potential victims early among the most vulnerable groups such as minors and / or people with functional mobility and with the aim of dismantling the business model of traffickers to which the UNCHAINED project contributes, also highlighting that the training of the agents involved and international cooperation with third countries are other necessary pillars to eradicate and combat this crime.

Let us take advantage not only of this World Day, but every day of the year, to create spaces for opinion and public debate that make this reality known by putting names and surnames to all the people who are being exploited daily next to us. Let us know to detect and not to discriminate, let us walk alongside these women and girls who like us want to be free and enjoy safety”

EN Trace News

The TRACE electronic platform for European traditional children’s stories has been launched

The TRACE project (Traditional children’s stories for a common future) presents a digital platform that culminates all the work carried out throughout this project and that has been conceived as a showcase through which to show the richness and diversity of the European Union through traditional children’s stories.

This platform contains the resources of an innovative educational method: workshops exclusively designed to promote children critical thinking, explore and design innovative ways of learning about the cultures and traditions of other European countries.

The digital materials generated during the project are in open access in the thematic TRACE Portal available for use in classrooms and activities with children from 6 to 12 years old, for all teaching and library staff who want to make the European cultures and traditions known.

The electronic platform is divided into several sections that give access to the selected and translated stories, to the files to carry out the workshops, as well as guidelines and orientations for teachers and librarians. These documents have been produced in English and translated into the languages ​​of each of the partner countries (Croatia, Spain, Greece and Latvia). The goal is to pilot these materials in schools and libraries.

The story section is made up of several elements:

• Parallel text of the story in the original language and its translation into English

• Short story workshop with download (PDF)

• Children’s drawings created in workshops

• Metadata

• History translated into all partner languages and English (PDF)

• Electronic book in English language with all the stories used in the TRACE Project.

Tools such as TRACE’s allow progress towards a new type of education, which consists of providing students with a greater capacity for research, critical thinking and drawing conclusions, with the aim of stimulating the development of thinking and adoption of own ideas, the understanding of oneself and the society in which we live, and also of finding one’s own orientation in life and ethical values.

To guarantee the exploitation of these resources among professionals in the sector, several dissemination events were held in June in Croatia, Greece, Latvia and Spain, including the online course: “Working with multiculturalism and critical thinking from children’s stories” held last Tuesday June 22 by the Euro-Arab Foundation.

If you are interested in reproducing any of these workshops and accessing the files for teachers and parents in Spanish, please contact:  

EN Pave News

PAVE Interview Mini-series

To explain the project and its peculiarities, the PAVE project partners have recorded a series of four interview clips answering questions that reflect the development of the project. The PAVE project seeks to understand the role of community and the dynamics of radicalization and the role played by communities in building more resilience societies against violent extremism.

These short videos reveal how the project’s participatory and inter-regional approach and its focus on the community is effective to tackle the global issue of radicalization in order to strengthen the capacity of policy-makers and community leaders for an effective prevention strategy between the European Union and its neighborhood.

To see these videos, you can click on the links below:

To know more about the project, visit its website:

The videos can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.


TRACE Third Transnational Meeting in Granada

The Erasmus + TRACE project on ‘Traditional children’s stories for a common future’ developed by the Euro-Arab Foundation together with European partners from Croatia, Greece and Latvia, concludes its three-year work in Granada. This third transnational meeting of the project has taken place on July 15 and 16, 2021 at the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation.

The executive secretary of the Euro-Arab, Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, congratulated the different partners who arrived from Croatia, Greece and Latvia, who together with the Euro-Arab Foundation as a Spanish partner, make up the consortium of this project financed by the Erasmus + program.

During these two days, TRACE partners have analysed and evaluated the programs and activities that they have been developing over the past two years, applying innovative educational methods. The results achieved have been evaluated and the future exploitation plan for the resources available on the digital platform designed. In it, the selected and translated stories are available in several languages, to the worksheets to carry out the workshops, as well as guidelines and orientations for teachers and librarians.

Access to the Platform

EN Retopea News

‘Docutubes’ workshop for religious peace and tolerance in Granada

The RETOPEA H2020 project has developed a workshop model for adolescents based on a collection of examples of how people in Europe and beyond, in many different historical periods, have thought about and experienced different religious beliefs and practices and found ways of living together.

During June and July, The RETOPEA team is carrying out, these workshops in educational centers in the province of Granada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Estonia, Finland and North Macedonia.

The purpose of the workshop is to allow students to engage in creative ways with the subject of religious toleration and peace, both in historical and the contemporary settings through shorts ‘documentaries’ that will be recorded in different parts of the city.

The Euro-Arab Foundation together with partners from the University of Granada and The Open University (England) in collaboration wih Dar Al Anwar will carry out this workshop in Granada from July 8 to 10.An event hosted bythe Almirante’s Palace and the headquarters of the Euro-Arab Foundation in which young people will discover and record emblematic places of Granada: in its center and the Albayzin neighborhood. During three days, The RETOPEA team will accompany young people between 12 and 15 years old who came to our city from countries such as Morocco, Ghana, Sweden, France, Malaysia, among others, to convert their idea about ​​religious peace and tolerance into visual elements in a short visual communication. We call “Docutubes” the short films inspired by the RETOPEA clippings in a format similar to Vlogging on YouTube.

The RETOPEA collection includes more than 400 clippings which cover 12 themes that comes with a set of questions to encourage critical thinking about the issues it raises: ‘Gender and Sexuality’; ‘Migration, trade and travel’; ‘Propaganda, stereotyping and communication’; ‘Discrimination and being different’; ‘Ideas about toleration’; ‘Peace and conflict resolution’; Memory and Heritage’; ‘Law, police and public order’; ‘Places and buildings’; ‘Religious practice’;’ Clothing and dress’ and ‘Family life’.

EN Perceptions News

The Euro-Arab Foundation participates in the 18th IMISCOE CONFERENCE 2021

Researchers from “the Department of Projects & Research” of the Euro-Arab Foundation will participate in the IMISCOE Annual Conference ‘Crossing borders, connecting cultures’ (July 7-9).

Two panels ‘Migrants’ perceptions of the EU. Imaginaries, policies and symbolic management across Europe and beyond‘ will be dedicated to presenting the results of the PERCEPTIONS H2020 project on July 7, from 14:00 to 15:30, and from 15:45 to 17:15.  

These two panels will analyse  how migrants perceive migration to Europe , as well as the narratives of journalists and policy makers and how this (potentially) relates to each other. Perceptions on (migration to) Europe are structured by prevailing and each continuously reinforcing narratives that are spread through (social) media, by policy makers and personal networks. These perceptions vary along migration trajectories as they are part of social constructions that are repeatedly reinterpreted through a series of stories and highly impacted by information campaigns and migration management by policy makers.

José M. González Riera and Patricia Bueso Izquierdo will present some of the results of the research carried out by the Foundation in a paper  titled: Across the Strait: migrants’ narratives on Europe in Morocco and Spain.

Our research has studied the Moroccan context, which in the last three decades has become a key transit country, mainly for sub-Saharan nationals on their way to Europe. At the same time, it continues to be the origin of a sizeable amount of Moroccan citizens migrating to the EU. Additionally, Morocco is consolidating as a host country, mainly for sub-Saharans (Khrouz & Lanza, 2015), many of whom reside irregularly despite of the two regularisations that the country has recently implemented (Benjelloun, 2017). A question often raised is which visions of the final destination move so many people to undertake such a costly and often perilous journey. This paper aims at comprehending the ways in which the perceptions and narratives of Spain/Europe are framed amongst migrants in Morocco on transit to Spain/Europe as well as potential Moroccan migrants. Such views will be then contrasted with those of migrants who have already arrived to Spain. Based on the assumption that these imaginaries are affected by migrants’ experiences, we aim at analysing the evolution of this narrative plasticity, assessing the ways in which the migration itinerary interacts with the perceptions and narratives from the country of origin to the final destination. We will depict the evolution of various patterns of narrative itineraries in parallel to the migration journeys.

This paper is based on the empirical research findings stemming from the fieldwork conducted in Morocco and Spain. The key outcomes will be discussed in terms of a better management of the migration flows and the development of migratory policy recommendations.

More information:

EN Hope News

European survey and research on deradicalization and disengagement

Creating a European Learning Hub on Radicalisation

The HOPE project is developing a network for continuous training and knowledge sharing in the Balkan, Southern and Eastern European countries.

This network aims to intervene in radicalisation prevention and disengagement and improve the transition between the prison and probation system and the community, for those at risk of radicalisation or who have already been radicalised.

Training and research organisations, academics, prison, and probation administrations make up the HOPE project network.

European Survey

As part of HOPE’s activities, we are carrying out a European survey for professionals engaged in deradicalization and disengagement in order to evaluate their needs within the prison and probation context and to identify the current state of prevention strategies and efforts to promote deradicalisation and disengagement.

Take the survey:
From July 1 to 20
Available in different languages (Bulgarian, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Serbian, Slovenian, and Spanish).
The survey is completely online, take no longer than 20 minutes, and it is completely anonymous.


To deepen this research, the Euro-Arab Foundation will carry out throughout the month of July interviews with professionals who work on (de)radicalization in prisons in order to identify the problems they encounter.