Intercepted News

Professional Conference on the Situation of Trafficking in Minors under Guardianship System

On November 30, the Euro-Arab Foundation held the conference ‘Prevention, detection and intervention in situations of trafficking in minors under guardianship’, organized by the Andalusian Regional Government with the collaboration of the Euro-Arab Foundation and the INTERCEPTED project.

The conference was aimed at professionals who work with minors who may be victims of human trafficking. It was organized by the Regional Delegation of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families, and Equality of the Andalusian Regional Government, with the collaboration of the Euro-Arab Foundation.

The conference addressed the issue of human trafficking, a form of modern slavery that is a violation of human rights and an attack on human dignity. The violence that derives from this end forces us to rethink the world from another perspective, from a more humanist and gender perspective. In this sense, the human rights approach must lead to the preparation and training of professionals who are in contact with trafficked minors and guarantee the protection of victims through their laws. For this reason, prevention, awareness-raising, and, above all, detection mechanisms must be increased.

The main objectives of this conference were to propose tools and guidelines to strengthen detection, identification, and prevention procedures in order to protect, safeguard, and consolidate the rights of minors in a trafficking situation, as well as to raise awareness of the INTERCEPTED project, which aims to interrupt the digital model of traffickers by improving the digital capacities of police and judicial authorities.

The conference was introduced by Matilde Ortiz Arca, territorial delegate for Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality of the Andalusian Regional Government; Antonio Sánchez Ortega, Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, who presented the European INTERCEPTED and BIGOSINT projects in which Euro-Arab is working, and Jorge Alberto Torres Segura, head of the Child Protection Service in Granada.

This was followed by the two conferences Trafficking of Minors in the Global Context of Migrations by Habiba Hadjab Boudiaf, intercultural mediator of the Granada Child Protection Service, and Public Policies in Andalusia and Trafficking of Minors by Ramón Rodríguez Gómez, Head of the Childhood Observatory.

The day concluded with the conference Socialising Agents in the Child Protection System by Ana Isabel Cruz Ortiz, director of the ISL La Huerta Minors’ Centre.

Interview with Habiba Hadjab on the prevention, detection, and intervention in situations of trafficking of children in care: