EN Trace News

Online course: Working multiculturalism and critical thinking through children’s stories

The online training that will be given on June 22 is part of the multiplier event of the TRACE project for the exchange of traditional children’s stories between educators from different EU countries who work with girls and boys from 6 to 12 years old.

Duration: 2 hours

Date of celebration: June 22, 2021 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm (CET, Spanish time)

Price: free, upon registration:

Registration deadline: June 17, 2021

Aimed at teachers, professors, librarians, social educators, leisure entertainers, experts and interested people, this course aims to provide professionals who work with children with tools to work on critical thinking and multiculturalism.

The course will present a selection of traditional children’s stories from Croatia, Greece, Latvia and Spain translated into English, Spanish, Croatian, Greek and Latvian, as well as educational resources designed for their didactic exploitation. Special emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking, the acquisition and reinforcement of ethical values ​​and the awareness of diversity and multiculturalism.


Introduction: The TRACE project and work with children through traditional stories.

The selection of stories

Tools to work on critical thinking and multiculturalism:

– The TRACE platform

– The TRACE Guide for Teachers and Librarians

– The videos

Discussion and conclusions

This training offered by TRACE provides the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences on traditional children’s stories, including practical examples to implement in the classroom and in libraries. Thus, contents and practical activities are presented to promote the acquisition of values ​​and skills, such as honesty, courage, solidarity, creativity and critical thinking.