Miict News

MIICT final conference: Co-creating ICT solutions to aid migrant integration: challenges, solutions and sustainability

26th January 2022 (online event) 09.30-16.45 (CET)

Join us on the 26th of January 2022, when we present our final project outputs!

The conference unites consortium members and external experts working in the field of migration, integration and digitalisation to present the challenges and solutions in relation to the co-creation of ICT solutions which aid the integration of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Key note speakers include Miguel Almario (International Organisation for Migration), Prof. Babak Akhgar (CENTRIC) and Hinano Spreafico (European Commission). The panels will focus on co-creation, evidencebased research and field work in Spain, Cyprus and Italy, technological solutions and their sustainability. For more information consult our project website. Register here!

Patricia Bueso (Fundea), will be presenting “Supporting migrants through ICTs in Spain. The main findings from the MIICT project” at Panel 2 Migration Research and New Technologies in Spain, together with José María González Riera (Fundea), Antonio Javier Jimenez Paiz (International Protection Programme, Spanish Red Cross) and Rut Bermejo Casado (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos).

The panels will focus on co-creation, evidence-based research, technological solutions and sustainability:

Panel 1 Co-Creation – experts will explore how ICT solutions can provide efficient and effective integration when they are co-created by the end users. Cocreative methods are enlightening and have a transformative effect on participating migrants, but they also pose challenges. The presentations will highlight some of these as well as the knowledge gap that often exists between project and policy designers and field-based practitioners and share some insights on the credibility (or not) of co-creation methodology. Experts will also address the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the development of ICT solutions for migrants’ integration in this panel.

Panel 2-4 Evidence based research – experts from the MIICT project will present evidence-based research from the pilot countries along with external experts in order to address the importance of the customisation of ICT solutions. They will explore what these ICT solutions mean for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and key social service providers in Italy, Cyprus and Spain reporting on activities carried out during different phases of the research using hybrid approaches due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Panel 5 Technological solutions – experts in this panel will present one possible technological solution—the one created in the MIICT project which is an interactive platform called IMMERSE. The panel will also include presentations from other experts who will explore the importance of other technological developments such as artificial intelligence.

Panel 6 Impact and sustainability – experts in this panel will report on the findings from high-level policy roundtables and address how the deployed solutions can be made sustainable though monitoring and validation techniques to ensure migrants are not put at risk or misinformed.

Download the program here

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2nd Joint Migration Policy Workshop Towards sustainability and adoption

The 2nd joint workshop of the EU’s Horizon 2020 MIICT project and the EASYRIGHTS, WELCOME, MICADO, NADINE and REBUILD projects is taking place on the 21st and 22nd of October from 9.00 to 12.00 CET on both days.

The goal of the event is to raise awareness on the tools and solutions developed under the scope of these projects and how they could be adopted by all the involved stakeholders, let them be migrants, city officials, or policymakers.

You can register for the event here.

Miict News

The MIICT project winner of the XVII edition of the Andalusia Migration Awards

MIICT project on migration and information technologies wins the Andalusian Migration Award from the Council of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía.

The winner of the Social Awareness and / or Interculturality Programs category of the Andalusian Migration Awards Network is the Inmerse platform, created by the Euro-Arab Foundation. The jury highlighted that its objective is to promote immigrants integration of through information, dialogue or encounters through communication and information technologies. The project meets the conditions to bring public services closer to immigrants, the result of a very enriching process of co-creation and collaboration.

The IMMERSE platform: A bi-lingual web-based platform that consists of a database and intelligent analytics system that captures the specific socio-cultural, economic and legal contexts of migrants that is shared with public authorities. The platform enable effect management of migrant’s’ integration into the EU labour market by providing means to better understand individual contexts, allowing individuals to seek opportunities for skills development and employment and enabling public authorities to automatically match their access to services such as education, welfare, employment and healthcare in host countries.

This platform, which is being carried out as a pilot test in three countries, Spain, Cyprus and Italy, has been tested with the participation of the users themselves and also NGOs. In Spain, the Euro-Arab Foundation has ended this testing phase with very good results. Cyprus and Italy will conclude it shortly.

Miict News

The social and labour inclusion of immigrants makes the digital leap in Granada.

This is a trial program that is being tested in Granada (Spain), through the UGR, Cyprus and Italy.

The Euro-Arab Foundation of Granada has begun testing the digital platform designed by the European project MI-ICT, an initiative that develops tools to facilitate the social and labour inclusion of migrants, refugees or asylum seekers.

The European MI-ICT project is an initiative focused on the area of Public Services for migration based on information and communication technologies that starts its third phase of implementation with the testing of the multilingual digital platform designed to achieve its objectives.

This software solution aims to improve access to the labour market for migrants or asylum seekers by linking people with jobs and opportunities for personal development, always taking into account their specific contexts, as reported by the University of Granada in a statement.

This digital prototype is being tested in Spain, Cyprus and Italy, the three pilot countries of the project, and has counted in its design with the users, which would be immigrants or refugees, with the NGOs and service providers, either public or private, and with a third group composed of experts.

The Euro-Arab Foundation is in charge of developing the tests of this platform in the Faculty of Law. This prototype covers areas such as training, employment, accommodation, language, social security, legal issues, mobility, health and social integration activities.

The MIICT project, in which the Euro-Arab Foundation participates along with fourteen other partner organizations from ten European countries, addresses the challenge of integrating migrants.

Through its own methodology, this European project seeks to involve public authorities, key civil society organizations, public service providers, interest groups and migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to jointly advance their desired social and economic inclusion in the host countries.