Intercepted News Projects

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and observed annually on July 30th, the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons aims to raise awareness of this heinous crime.In alignment with this year’s global campaign focused on accelerating action to end child trafficking, INTERCEPTED is launching its second targeted campaign with a firsthand account from a leading expert in child protection who works together with victims, NGOs, and government institutions.

📹 Watch here the video of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons subtitled in different languages:

IN2PREV-en News Projects

The Euro-Arab Foundation, in charge of adapting a new tool to assess vulnerability and risk factors of refugees in the framework of IN2PREV project

The Euro-Arab Foundation is in the process of adapting the Frontline Extremism Vulnerability Risk – Structured Evaluation Screening (FEVR-SES), a new tool created within the framework of the European IN2PREV project, which will allow assessing different vulnerability and risk factors of refugees and asylum seekers. This calibration work is being made possible thanks to the dialogue and multi-agency collaboration of experts, police forces and social entities with which the Euro-Arab Foundation has been able to discuss, in a national online calibration workshop, the points to be improved, adjusted or reinforced.

The FEVR-SES tool, which was already assessed in another workshop last month at international level, seeks the early detection of vulnerabilities and protection factors with assessment indicators, such as mental health, psychosocial well-being or the migration experience itself, which are essential for social inclusion and the development of public policies that promote a diverse society.

IN2PREV is a European project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme in which the Euro-Arab Foundation is leading research on methodologies for assessing the vulnerabilities of refugees and asylum seekers, the development of a manual on ethics and respect for human rights in interventions with refugees, the national implementation of the IN2PREV mentoring programme and the development of training programmes.

In this context, Euro-Arab also held a national mentoring event last May for frontline professionals from social organisations, NGOs and mediation services working with asylum seekers and refugees. This IN2PREV mentoring service will continue with training in September for Spanish NGOs, as well as those from the project’s partner countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Moldova, Portugal, Poland and Romania) in order to subsequently launch pilot mentoring programmes in their respective territories.

Soon, the Euro-Arab Foundation will publish a manual on guaranteeing human rights and ethics in Spanish for police forces and social entities, which will accompany a manual on good police practices in the treatment of asylum seekers.

More information on the IN2PREV website:

EN Hatedemics News Projects

Euro-Arab and HATEDEMICS analyse hate speech and disinformation online with NGOs, journalists, fact-checkers and public authorities

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies has organised two meetings with fact-checkers, journalists, NGOs and activists to address hate speech, disinformation and digital environments. These meetings are part of the European project HATEDEMICS: Hindering hate speech and disinformation through Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technologies, which aims to strengthen preventive and reactive measures against hate speech and disinformation online. To this end, the project aims to empower NGOs/CSOs, fact-checkers, public authorities and youth to effectively prevent and combat polarisation, the spread of racist, xenophobic and intolerant discourses, as well as conspiracy theories, by adopting a perspective focused on multi-agency collaboration, artificial intelligence, social networks and youth, as well as comprehensive care for victims and affected communities.

The first meeting took place on 17 July from 12pm to 2pm at the Euro-Arab headquarters in Granada. The discussion group was made up of activists, representatives of civil society and NGOs with expertise in hate speech, disinformation and digital environments and new technologies. The debate was divided into several topics, on which each participant intervened and shared their experiences and knowledge from their area of expertise, such as the definition of ‘hate speech’, the current legislative framework or how political parties or civil society deal with hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy theories.

The second meeting took place on Wednesday, 24 July from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in an online format and brought together a group of journalists, information verifiers and a representative of law enforcement agencies to analyse the current challenges presented by the instrumentalisation of information for purposes that may represent hate crime and motivate conspiracy narratives. They also discussed the information verification tools they use, the legal framework for action and the resources available to combat hate speech and disinformation online.

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies is a non-profit institution that works to promote dialogue and cooperation between Euro-Arab societies. The Foundation develops research, training and awareness-raising projects in different areas of specialisation, with a special focus on the promotion of human rights, interculturality and peace. It is in this work that it participates in the HATEDEMICS project funded by the European Union and where it is responsible for the research work package, in charge of defining the approach, the socio-technical requirements and the methodology.

HATEDEMICS project website:


Radicalisation in prisons analysis of the Escribano operation and prospects for prevention

The Euro-Arab Foundation has taken an in-depth look at Operation Escribano, considered a milestone in the fight against terrorism in Spanish prisons, with a publication that offers an exhaustive analysis of this complex police operation, which is the first conviction for terrorism in the Spanish prison context since 2008 and the first after the reform of the crime of terrorism in 2015. The authors of this analysis, published in a new issue in the Cuadernos de la Euroárabe collection, were: Daniel F. Pérez-García, researcher and head of projects in the area of prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism at the Euro-Arab Foundation, expert in the EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation of the European Commission, where the Euro-Arab Foundation actively participates; Salvador Berdún Carrión, Director of the Studies Department of the Agrupación de Cuerpos de Ayudantes de Instituciones Penitenciarias and Doctor in Criminology; and Javier Ruipérez Canales, Director of the Research and Projects Department of the Euro-Arab Foundation, Doctor in Social Sciences and Director of Strategic Communication of the EU Knowledge Hub.

Analysis of Operation Escribano and prospects for prevention

On 12 February 2024, the 4th Section of the Criminal Division of the National Court issued Sentence number 4/2024, in which it sentenced two inmates to seven years and six months in prison. The defendants, who were already serving sentences for belonging to a terrorist organisation, were tried within the framework of what is known as Operation Escribano, which succeeded in dismantling an entire radicalising structure in Spanish prisons and stands as the largest investigation carried out in Europe into the radicalisation of the Daesh terrorist organisation in prisons. The review of judicial, legislative, academic and strategic documentation in the Euro-Arab publication has been complemented with interviews with the sources of the Guardia Civil police investigation and presents the analysis of the radical networks dismantled in this operation.

The main objective of the analysis is to extract good practices in order to optimise prevention strategies within the prison environment. The recommendations include respect for the guarantee of human rights in judicial processes, in prison treatment and in the assessment of the risk of radicalisation, and the promotion of programmes for the rehabilitation of violent extremism and social and functional reintegration in democratic societies.

The publication (in Spanish) can be downloaded from the Euro-Arab Foundation’s website:

Radicalisation in prisons analysis of the Escribano operation and prospects for prevention


The Euro-Arab Foundation and the Iraqi Al Nahrain Center solidify a partnership to exchange knowledge and conduct joint researches

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies has signed this Wednesday a collaboration agreement with the Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies – National Security Consulting, based in Baghdad (Iraq), in order to cooperate and establish productive relationships in different fields of the research undertaken by both institutions.

The Al-Nahrain Centre for Strategic Studies is a research centre sponsored by the Iraqi National Security Council that develops strategic studies responding to the interests, challenges and threats of the Arab country, both at the national level and in the Middle East region.

The meeting took place at the Euro-Arab headquarters, in Granada, where the Iraqi delegation was led by the Director General of the Al-Nahrain Centre for Strategic Studies, the lawyer Ali Naser Bunyan al-Lami, accompanied by the Engineer Director General of the Directorate of Administration and Finance of the Office of the Iraqi National Security Advisor, Hayder Abdulameer Abed al-Yasiri, and the Head of the Department of Social and Psychological Studies of the Al-Nahrain Centre for Strategic Studies, Shatha Kadhim , and the official liaison of the European Union Consultative Mission in Iraq, Marwah Dallyousif.

The meetings between both institutions, which lasted two days, were also attended by an official from the Directorate General for Home Affairs (DG Home) of the European Commission.

The executive secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation, Antonio J. Sánchez Ortega, stated that this agreement “consolidates our presence in the MENA region and in Iraq, where understanding the current security and prevention conditions is crucial.” Sánchez has expressed his satisfaction at the establishment of this link with an Iraqi center – he said – “so prestigious that it houses ten different research departments. Without a doubt, both institutions will benefit from this collaboration.”

The memorandum includes among its objectives the exchange of research and studies, as well as books, statistics and other types of information arising from their respective work. The Euro-Arab Foundation and the Al-Nahrain Centre will work together on projects that are characterised by their strategic and topical dimensions, or those related to public policies. In terms of scientific dissemination and training, the agreement covers joint research or studies, as well as the organisation of workshops, seminars and conferences in areas of common interest or the joint publication of books and publications.

“This agreement is part of the objectives of our centre, which are based on the directives of the advisor to the Iraqi National Security Board and which consist of establishing relations with different centres dedicated to research and cultural dissemination,” explained the director general of the Al Nahrain centre, Ali Naser Bunyan. “The Euro-Arab Foundation not only addresses these aspects -he added- but it also works to strengthen dialogue with the Arab world, of which Iraq is a part.

The programme of activities included the presentation of the Euro-Arab Foundation’s research, cultural and training activities, such as the new Diploma in Environmental Management and Social Responsibility or the Diploma in Management of Non-Profit Entities or Endowment Management (awqaf) for Saudi students. Likewise, several of the research projects in which Euro-Arab is involved in different areas were presented: prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism, fight against hate speech and hate crimes, protection of places of worship of different faiths, dismantling of human trafficking networks or socio-educational interventions, among others.

As part of the extensive programme of activities, the visiting delegation was able to learn first-hand about the Joint Centre University of Granada – Army Training and Doctrine Command with a visit to the MADOC, where they were able to learn more about its activities at national level. The programme included cultural activities, such as a visit to La Madraza, the cultural centre of the University of Granada (