Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies. She has held the positions of Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Law (2000-2003), Director of the Secretariat for International Relations and Projects (2003-2007) and Deputy Secretary General of the University of Granada (2015-2019). In other areas of management, she has been Director General of Universities of the Junta de Andalucía (2019-2020).
Graduated in Law with an extraordinary award from the University of Granada, she obtained a scholarship for University Teacher Training (FPU) to carry out her doctoral thesis, which she completed in 1998 with an extraordinary doctoral award. After a two-year postdoctoral stay at the Max Planck Institute for Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany (1998-2000), she returned to the University of Granada as an assistant lecturer, obtaining the position of Full Professor in 2003.
Her lines of research focus on European Union Criminal Law, crimes against sexual freedom, and labour crimes.
Antonio Sánchez Ortega is Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the same university and is a lecturer in the Department of International Public Law and International Relations at the University of Granada. He has carried out research stays at Oxford University and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, and is a visiting professor at Beijing Normal University, China.
Researcher in projects of the national R&D&I plan of the MICIN and projects of excellence funded by the Junta de Andalucía and the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, among others. He is the author of several monographs such as ‘Power and energy security in international relations’, REUS 2013 and ‘Russia. El poder y la energía”, Plaza y Valdés, 2014, as well as articles in prestigious scientific journals.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Spanish Journal of International Law (REDI) and a reviewer for national and international journals, and has extensive experience in university management, serving as Vice-Dean of Students in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Granada. He is co-secretary of the UGR-MADOC Joint Centre and a member of the UGR Works Committee.
Bárbara Boloix Gallardo is Deputy Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation. She has been a lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Department of Semitic Studies at the University of Granada since 2018 and has been coordinator of the Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies (2021-2022) and secretary of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (2021-2023) at the University of Granada.
She has been principal investigator of projects such as ‘Islamic Ceuta in Arabic texts’ of the Institute of Ceuta Studies (2011-2012) or ‘Interdisciplinary study on the palace of Daralhorra’ of the Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife (2014-2017). Also of the R&D&I projects of the National Plan, ‘La mujer nazarí y meriní en las sociedades islámicas del Mediterráneo medieval (siglos XIII-XV): poder, identidad y dinámicas sociales (link is external)’ – HAR2017-88117-P- (2018-2020) and ‘De mujeres nazaríes a moriscas: Everyday lives, influences and socio-cultural (dis)continuities in the ‘intrahistory’ of the peninsular context (13th-16th centuries)’ -PID2021-128770OB-I00- (2022-2026).
Member of the Unit of Excellence ‘Science in the Alhambra’(link is external) (2018-2022), she has been responsible researcher of the Associated Unit of R+D+i CSIC-UGR ‘Arab and Islamic Cultural Heritage’(link is external) (2020-2023) and guarantor researcher of the Scientific Unit of Excellence in Feminist and Gender Studies (2023-). Since 2021 she has been a member of the University Institute for Research in Women’s and Gender Studies(link is external) of the University of Granada.
Director of the Research and Projects Department of the Euro-Arab Foundation. PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Granada. Senior Researcher in the Area of Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism. Researcher on media activism to counter Islamophobia and radicalisation: common approaches to understanding, preventing and countering extremism leading to violence with a focus on media narratives and counter-alternative narratives. Research Director of the European TAKEDOWN project: Understanding the dimensions of organised crime and terrorist networks to develop effective and efficient security solutions for frontline practitioners. H2020 project. (2016-2019); DERAD: Countering Radicalisation through the Rule of Law (JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR/8704), European Commission, 2016-2018; SISUMMA: Social initiative supporting minorities through media activism. Europe for Citizens Programme (2016-2018); Training inter-agency mobile assistance teams to detect and prevent the escalation of violent radicalism (HOME/2015/ISFP/AG/LETX/8774), European Commission, 2016-2018.
Deputy Director of the Research and Projects Department of the Euro-Arab Foundation. Researcher in Arab Studies at the University of Granada (Contemporary Arab Studies Research Group). Master’s Degree in Migration Law; Master’s Degree in Arab and Hebrew Cultures: Past and Present; Bachelor’s Degree in Arab Studies; Bachelor’s Degree in Law (University of Granada). González Riera has taught “Arabic Literature” and “History and Culture of the Arab-Muslim World” at the University of Granada.
Programme Director of the International Chair and coordinator of the Chair of Islamic Civilisation Studies and Renewal of Religious Thought Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies – Peace, Conflict and Democracy. Project manager. Strong expertise in peace studies, theories of conflict and violence, democratisation studies and research skills, as well as in the management of development cooperation projects. Mr Laaguir is in charge of cultural awareness and relations with the Arab world.
Project officer and researcher at the Euro-arab Foundation in the field of hate speech, ideologies and extremist movements. He holds a degree in Political Science and a masters in Development Cooperation, Public and NGODs management. He is a PhD candidate in Social Sciences in the field of Political Science. He has experience in several EU-funded projects related to hate crime such as STAND-UP (CERV) or HATEDMICS (CERV), as well as related to protection of places of worship: PARTES (ISF) and SHIELD (ISFP-2020). He is also member of the Spanish Network against Hate Crime and Underreporting (REDOI). Furthermore, he is a validated expert by FIIAPP (Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs) at RAN Policy Support (DG HOME, EU Commission), where he has conducted research and training on strategic communications to address violent extremist narratives online.
Researcher, Project Officer and Trainer at the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies. At the Foundation, he has worked on several EU-funded projects (H2020 / ISF / Erasmus +) at the area of Prevention of the Radicalisation and Violent Extremism. These projects were related to preventing violent extremism in MENA and the Balkans through community resilience, to multi-ideological radicalisation assessment towards disengagement, and to fostering law enforcement and community cooperation and training to prevent radicalisation. Moreover, he is validated expert by FIIAPP (Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs) at RAN Policy Support (DG HOME, EU Commission), where he has conducted research and training on strategic communications to address violent extremist narratives online. He is also Research Fellow at the International Observatory for Terrorism Studies. In addition, he is a member of the RAN Practitioners Young Platform 2023, and a member of the Research Group INTERRRAD (Internationalising the Prevention of Jihadist Radicalisation). Daniel has a degree in International Relations and two master’s degree, in Peace Culture & Conflicts and in Political Communication.
Dr Karen Latricia Hough obtained her doctorate in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Oxford. She has received many important awards for her research including the Vice Chancellorships’ Award and the Bagby Award at the University of Oxford. She has written evidence for the Home Affairs Commission and published a variety of articles and books for Routledge, Springer, Oxford University Press, Franco Angeli, Emerald, and Open Democracy. Karen has worked as a researcher on over 15 EU funded projects in the Russian Federation and Europe. She was the project manager of the influencial MIICT project at the Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research (CENTRIC), Sheffield Hallam University, UK. She has also taught various courses in Anthropology and Migration Studies at the University of Oxford, University of Oxford Brookes and the University of Salento. Karen is currently working on several research projects in the area of security at the EURO-ARAB Foundation, including the prestigious Horizon Europe project Vanguard, which focuses on human trafficking. She is also conducting research in the area of radicalisation, focusing on the link between immigration and asylum policies and Far-Right extremist ideologies.
Department of Research and Projects Euro-Arab Foundation. Doctorate Programme in Social Sciences University of Granada. Master’s Degree in Development Cooperation, Public and NGDO Management. Degree in Political Science and Administration. Degree in Law. Main research interests: political regimes and processes of political change; electoral processes and government formation; party systems and inter-party relations; political opposition and non-institutional actors. Area studies on North Africa and the Middle East. She has carried out fieldwork on social movements and anti-establishment parties in Morocco. She has experience in field project management in the area of migration, human rights, political participation, education and gender.
Department of Research and Projects Euro-Arab Foundation. Scholar and researcher at the University of Granada in Spain. She teaches Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Systems and Regional Dynamics in the Middle East. Magister in International and European Studies. Degree in Political Science and Administration and Law. Her research focuses on peace and conflicts, processes of political change, international mediation, civil society, and the women, peace, and security agenda. She has gained regional expertise in North Africa and the Middle East, notably Syria, Libya, and Yemen.
Degree in Law and PhD in Criminology from the University of Granada. University Expert in Internal Security from the UNED.
University Expert in Analysis of Jihadist Terrorism from the University of Granada. Civil servant in Penitentiary Institutions.
Director of the Studies Department of the Penitentiary Institutions Civil Servants’ Union ACAIP.
Researcher at the Athena Foundation.
He has focused his research work on the organisational models of terrorist groups in prison and on the impact of political violence and terrorism on legislation and penitentiary policy. His thesis focused on the impact of terrorism on prison policies and the organisational forms of terrorist groups in prison.
Research on Societies, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and Migrations.
This area focuses on the study of three basic aspects of increasingly globalized societies in which various inequalities and frictions are manifested:
Research on Radicalization, Prevention and Security.
This area focuses on the study and understanding of violent radicalization processes, their various manifestations and implications, and de-radicalization processes:
Transfer and Communication
This area focuses on the transfer of research results, outcomes, data and knowledge between different stakeholders. Our aim is to generate a social and educational impact through activities aimed at the dissemination of knowledge, experience and skills.