EN Unchained News

The UNCHAINED project begins its research on trafficking in child , sexual and labor exploitation

Throughout this month of June 2021, three focus groups have been held on the business models in trafficking for child exploitation (in Spain); sexual exploitation (in Italy) and labor exploitation (in Germany). The debates have focused on the business models identified in their national contexts, as well as the good practices necessary to carry out intersectoral cooperation.

In the focus group held in Spain, organized by the Euro-Arab Foundation, experts and agents representing different sectors have been invited to debate on the main problems related to the business models that exist in the trafficking for child exploitation, an exploitation that includes, but is not limited to, forced begging, sexual exploitation and labor exploitation.

Participants have explained from their own fields of action, the phenomenon of child trafficking, debating the main commercial models in the Spanish context, as well as the points of interception and the sectors that require intersectoral cooperation. and closer cross-border to follow up on suspicious financial actions.This debate has been developed according to five thematic blocks: forms of child exploitation in Europe and new trends; Business models used in the trafficking of minors; the financial investigation of the crime; points of interconnection and sectors of cooperation between law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, judicial bodies, tax inspectorate, labor inspectorate, NGOs. The last block is the one dedicated to improvement proposals.

The UNCHAINED project, financed by the Internal Security Fund of the General Directorate of the Interior of the European Commission, coordinated by the Procura della Republica Presso il Tribunals ordinario di Padova of Italy, has the participation of the Euro-Arab Foundation (Spain); Fondazione Agenfor International (Italy); Ministry of the Interior- ESMIR (Spain), Institute for Police and Security Research (IPoS) – in Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen (Germany) and School of Public Administration (Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen (Germany).




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