The Euro-Arab Foundation participates on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 May in a conference organized at the University of Warsaw within the framework of the RETOPEA Project.
In this event, we will do an overview of the research activities that have been developed within the project around the main issues that RETOPEA addresses, such as interreligious dialogue, cultural policies, educational policies and public representation of religion .
In this same conference, the monograph Religious diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young is presented. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, whose editors are Professors Elena Arigita, from the University of Granada, Riho Altnurme (Univ. Tartu) and Patrick Pasture (KU Leuven).
The docutubes made in this project will also be presented, as well as the project to publish a volume on the use of clippings for educational purposes: Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse et al.: Religious diversity, tolerance and peace-making in past and present. Beyond the stereotypes.
Along with this conference, an Steering Committee meeting of the RETOPEA project will take place.