EN Perceptions News

Policy Roundtable on Co-designing an inclusive Europe

What: Policy roundtable based on findings from ten #H2020 projects, including PERCEPTIONS

When: 1st March 2022, 2022, 08:30-16:00

Where (hybrid): Norwegian House of Research and Innovation, Rue Guimaard 9, Brussels and online

How: Free registration online →

Migrations and migrants in the EU: Changing narratives – modifying practices – influencing policies.

Join us live in Brussels on March 1st or watch the broadcast.

Including migrants in the European Union has not been a uniform process and has revealed several obstacles in the path of making the inclusion and integration of people on the move efficient, humane, and dignified.

PERCEPTIONS, a Horizon 2020 project focusing on understanding the impact of narratives and perceptions of Europe on migration, led by SYNYO, joins forces with 9 other EU-funded projects. The roundtable will be the occasion for PERCEPTIONS to communicate its preliminary results to high level decision-makers in Brussels on providing practices, tools and guides for practitioners, on the (economic, cultural, political) impact of various narratives, images and perceptions of the EU, on innovative solutions to enhancing integration and cohesion, and on the role of domestic agents.

In this roundtable, we will bring together researchers, practitioners, journalists, and policymakers to discuss the potential of re-interpreting existing narratives, to present good practices resulting from the ongoing projects, and to inform political decision-making processes.

This event offers a rare opportunity to engage with researchers and practitioners from 34 countries including 21 EU countries, representing a total of 135 institutions.

Get insights into state-of the-art fieldwork and practices and learn about solutions that have been tested on the ground!

Visit our website for more information:

See the agenda: https://inclusive‐

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