Research and Projects

Participatory approaches to protecting places of worship
Starting date:
31st March, 2023
Closing date:
1st April, 2025

Financiación: 2,137,581.8 € funded by the Internal Security Fund (FSI) of the European Commission. Under the Grant Agreement nº 101100542

PARTES aims to increase the protection of PoW in European countries by developing a comprehensive prevention model that is evidence based, inclusive and participatory. Through its evidence based, participatory methodology and societal approach, it especially addresses the priorities of improving cooperation between public authorities and faith-based communities, awareness raising campaigns, trainings and workshops, as well as taking stock, assessing and exchanging best practices and tools in this field.

PARTES aims to achieve the following objectives:

  •  Map the specific threat landscape of involved religious communities (incl. cyber threats)
  • Assess and derive lessons learned on vulnerabilities and existing security concepts of involved religious communities and exchange best practices on protective measures Europe-wide
  • Establish cooperation and communication structures and channels between religious communities and local authorities
  •  Develop proactive and preventive security measures
  • Carry out trainings and workshops with religious and local authorities
  •  Raise awareness among the wider population about the threat and strategies of extremist organisations targeting places of worship and involve them in prevention strategies

The methodology employed in the project is multi-disciplinary and participatory in nature, involving both researchers and end-users, within and beyond the consortium partners, and including citizens. PARTES employs a variety of methods, from desk research and interviews, to living labs, workshops and dialogue forums. Its impact addresses among others the following aspects: improved cooperation between stakeholders, awareness raising and the development of trainings and guidance materials, a better assessment of security threats and a better planning of protective measures through proactive and preventive security measures.

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies leads the “Threats and Responses Panorama” work package, which coordinates research to establish an overview of attacks on religious communities, the hate crimes they suffer and existing protection measures, as well as identify good practices of cooperation between religious institutions and public authorities, and for the protection of places of worship.


Project Coordinator:

Instituto Austriaco de Relaciones Internacionales 


    Street San Jerónimo, 27
    18001 GRANADA (Spain)
    +34 958 206 508