“Continuity in Counter-radicalisation Programmes: MIRAD threefold approach” online conference is an event marking the launch of MIRAD project.
MIRAD (Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement) is funded by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) (GA no. 101035878). Its official consortium kick-off took place in January this year and this conference will bring the subject of the project together with its main goals and background to a interested in audience. Additionally, invited keynote speakers will share experience, a wider perspective and different aspects within the radicalisation topic.
The event is addressed to a wide range of stakeholders and practitioners involved in monitoring, preventing and counteracting radicalisation especially NGO organisations working with extremist/radical individuals, prison and probation staff, judicial staff, researchers, practitioners, networks, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders in the field of Violent right-wing extremism and Islamist Extremism risk assessment and intervention; and other entities interested in this topic.
The opening conference will be held online on 24 February starting at 12:00 CET. Registration is required. Registration form can be found here.