Research and Projects

Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement

Starting date:
January 1st, 2022

Closing date:
January 1st, 2024

European funding:

710754,68 €. This project has been fund by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund–Police under Grant Agreement nº 101035878

Recognizing the importance of rehabilitating people convicted of terrorism and ensuring their reintegration, MIRAD aims to sustainably influence the intellectual debate and the practical application of tools for detecting radicalization and assessing risks in the prison context with the support of NGOs related to criminal justice systems. Specifically, MIRAD intends to:

1) Expanded collaboration in the field of disengagement and reintegration programmes amongst governmental bodies and non-institutional organisations, through capability and appropriateness’ assessments of the latter;

2) Enhanced proficiency in the application and management of specific and tailor-made radicalisation screening and risk assessment tools, according to the ideology in question, among prison and probation staff, as well as NGOs working closely with the prison and probation services;

3) Promotion of high-quality training and learning opportunities for these stakeholder groups, who occupy privileged positions for maximising the results of radicalisation disengagement and reintegration programmes;

4) Deepened staff capacity to handle radicalised/violent extremist individuals, or those at risk, by prison, probation and NGO staff;

5) Heightened attention from key sectoral decision-makers, regarding the vital relevance of cross-sectional, transversal transition programmes for violent extremism violent offenders (VETOs), through cooperative relations amongst prison and probation administrations, judicial practitioners, as well as NGOs.

MIRAD’s main outcomes will consist of: NGO trustworthiness capability tool; ideology-centred (Right-Wing extremism and Islamist extremism) and gender-centred add-on sheets to the IRS; mixed-method training approach (ToT, e-Learning course, VR training scenarios); multiagency transition collaboration protocols.

Project coordinator:
The National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) Emerging Security and Defence Team (EESD) -Francia

    Street San Jerónimo, 27
    18001 GRANADA (Spain)
    +34 958 206 508