INTERCEPTED launches a campaign on Human Rights Day
The 10th Intercepted online campaign has been launched on Human Rights Day to enhance the visibility of a human rights-based approach to combating Trafficking in Human Beings. This approach is…
The disruption of the digital business model of
traffickers by improving the digital capabilities of law
enforcement and judicial authorities
Starting date:
April 1st, 2023
European funding: 862.045,50€ co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), Internal Security Fund (ISF), and Border Management and Visa Instrument. Under the Grant Agreement No. 101101938
INTERCEPTED project aims to disrupt the digital model of Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) by improving the digital capabilities of law enforcement and judicial authorities. For that purpose, INTERCEPTED focuses on two points for the disruption of the trafficking chain: recruitment and advertisement, taking into account that the methods used in terms of language, platforms, targets and strategies vary according to the profiles of the victims and the type of exploitation.
For a better understanding of this phenomenon and to keep abreast of trends from a technological and security point of view, INTERCEPTED includes cooperation between public actors and the private sector through the use of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to design and develop structured responses against online THB activities. The project focuses its research and prevention activity in Central Europe and the Western Balkan route.
INTERCEPTED aims to achieve 5 objectives directly related to the use of the Internet in Human Trafficking, which are:
INTERCEPTED is designed and will be implemented as an evolution of the projects UNCHAINED and BIGOSINT, which have the common objective of disrupting the online business of Human Trafficking,.
The consortium is made up of the Euro-Arab Foundation of Granada, the Hellenic Police of Greece (HP), the German Police School (HfÖV), AGENFOR of Italy, and the KEMEA Center for Security Studies in Greece, under the coordination of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trieste, Italy (TSJudPol).
Coordinador del Proyecto:
The 10th Intercepted online campaign has been launched on Human Rights Day to enhance the visibility of a human rights-based approach to combating Trafficking in Human Beings. This approach is…
On 13 November, INTERCEPTED project held its second seminar on trafficking under the title Strengthening Digital Capabilities to Counter Human Trafficking. This event was co-organised with the ASIT project, which,…
As part of the INTERCEPTED Project’s Online Seminar Series, together with the ASIT Project, an online meeting focusing on Strengthening Digital Capabilities to Counter Human Trafficking, will be held on November 13, 2024 from 14:00 to…
The seminar co-organized by the INTERCEPTED and OSINT-RADAR projects brought together professionals and experts to share experiences and transfer their knowledge in the fight against human trafficking
This seminar will equip participants with essential knowledge and tools to combat THB.
INTERCEPTED is launching its second targeted campaign with a firsthand account from a leading expert in child protection
On November 30, the Euro-Arab Foundation held the conference ‘Prevention, detection and intervention in situations of trafficking in minors under guardianship’, organized by the Andalusian Regional Government with the collaboration…
The new european project INTERCEPTED held its kick-off meeting on April 27 in Trieste, Italy, where consortium partners presented the project, which aims to disrupt the digital business model of…