Research and Projects

Holistic Radicalisation Prevention Initiative

Starting date:
July 1st, 2020

Closing date:
June 30th, 2023

European funding: The project “HOPE – HOlistic radicalisation Prevention initiativE” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. € 1.137.025,00 

HOPE strives to create a network that supports continuous training and knowledge sharing in the Balkan, Southern and Eastern European countries, a European learning hub on Radicalisation. A network of training and research organisations, academies, prison and probation systems, that can intervene on radicalisation prevention and disengagement but also to improve the transition process between prison and/or probation systems and the community for those at risk of radicalisation or who have been radicalised. It will achieve this outcome by promoting a holistic radicalisation prevention initiative focusing on offenders, front line staff and community organisations. 

The expected impact of the project covers the following aspects:

  • Creation of a network for training and knowledge sharing (Balkan, Southern and Eastern European learning hub);
  • Increased awareness about the phenomenon of radicalisation and extremism that lead to terrorism in detention environments;
  • Improved understanding about detecting “red flags” of violent radicalisation and about the prevention and detection mechanisms currently in place in some European countries;
  • Enhanced capacity to deal with inmates at risk of radicalisation or radicalised by receiving training and gaining new knowledge and tools useful for everyday challenges;
  • Common understanding by practitioners and decision-makers of the necessary strategies to be implemented when dealing with the transfer of radicalised individuals in detention or under community supervision (contributing to the application of the European Council Framework Decisions).

    Street San Jerónimo, 27
    18001 GRANADA (Spain)
    +34 958 206 508