The conference on Prevention and Detection of Violent Radicalization in Spain, in which the Euro-Arab Foundation participate, will take place today, November 30 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m., at the Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid). This event is organized by the International Security Center of the UFV International Policy Institute. With the participation of the Radicalization Awareness Network – RAN.
The research, funded by the Foundation for the Victims of Terrorism, collected the experiences of 25 professionals on the front line, through interviews, to design indicators that allow detecting early radicalization and, on the other hand, understanding the factors that lead to radicalization in order to propose appropriate prevention strategies. Josep García Coll, researcher at the Euro-Arab Foundation, will talk about the main risk factors for radicalization and prevention measures. He will present some results of the PAVE project identifying factors in the contexts of Tunisia, Iraq and Lebanon, focusing on the factors of vulnerability of the community to the ideological and behavioral patterns of radicalization.
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