Research and Projects

A major initiative aimed at bolstering the EU’s efforts against Radicalisation leading to violent extremism and terrorism.

Starting date:
June 2024

European funding:
€ 60 million financed by DG Home (European Commission).

The EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation brings together practitioners, policymakers and researchers working on prevention across Europe and in priority third countries. The creation of the Hub is outlined in the EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda 2020.

The EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation supports the development and implementation of policies and strategies based on shared knowledge and expertise. It fosters collaboration among stakeholders to address the challenges of radicalisation, emphasising an integrated, policy-driven approach and a whole-of-society perspective.


The Euro-Arab Foundation will, among other things, lead the StratComms strand for the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism. Project activities to be implemented in the coming years include, among others:

– Thematic Panels: main platform for experts to network, discuss and brainstorm, consolidating knowledge within defined priority themes.

– Project-based collaborations (PPPs): Member State-led initiatives on pre-defined themes to enable rapid and flexible exchange and cooperation between various stakeholders.

– Joint policy and practice events: Alignment of practices by practitioners with the design of effective prevention strategies and policies.

– Workshops and ad hoc events: Addressing emerging challenges through seminars, workshops or events tailored to the needs of the sector or the interests of Member States.

– Study visits: Learning from best practices in priority Member States and third countries.

– Tailor-made support services: Customised assistance to Member States for specific needs in the field of radicalisation prevention and strategic communication.

– Training: Enhancing the capacities of frontline practitioners and public authorities and policy makers through the development of training activities in various formats.

– Mentoring and exchange programmes: Development of activities aimed at training future radicalisation prevention practitioners and educating the next generation.

– Research: Development of specific reports resulting from research on topics of interest for the provision of data and analysis on radicalisation and its prevention, as well as monitoring of the radicalisation landscape in different countries. 

– Studies and prospective scenarios: Studies aimed at identifying emerging trends and developing scenarios to anticipate future developments.


Project Coordinator:

NTU International A/S (Denmark)


    Street San Jerónimo, 27
    18001 GRANADA (Spain)
    +34 958 206 508