The first course on “Psychoeducational Models of Intervention in the Classroom”, organized by the Euro-Arab Foundation as part of the actions designed by the European project ARMOUR: Radical Model of Resilience for Young Minds[TyC1] , will be held until February 8.
This project is aimed at frontline professionals in state institutions and civil society, working with young people susceptible and vulnerable to radicalization.
With the collaboration of the Andalusian CCOO Teaching Federation and taught by staff of the Euro-Arab Foundation, this first course is offered in virtual format and lasts one month, in which almost a hundred teachers from the Andalusian community have enrolled.
The course is divided into a first theoretical section on radicalization and its prevention, followed by 7 workshops: coaching and parenting; development of critical thinking; anger management; narrative therapy; simulation and debate; conflict resolution; principle of proportionality.
Its programming is based on the experimental laboratories developed by the ARMOUR project. They provide material for teachers to better understand the challenges and strategies recommended to overcome difficult situations in their daily practice, focusing on how radicalization can be managed, reversed and channeled towards positive forms of self-affirmation and success.
The Euro-Arab Foundation hopes that this first approach to the subject of radicalization by the teachers enrolled in this course will be the beginning of future training actions on issues of radicalization and prevention. The debates generated among the participants in this first training experience will undoubtedly allow perfecting future training actions which will continue to be given to the educational community on a permanent basis.